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It's the little moments, ya know? In Mom Memory, the little moments stamp out all the temper tantrums, sibling bickering, potty training setbacks, etc., etc. The little moments, like when your nearly-four-year-old steps off the school bus with a shy grin and a little homemade Mother's Day present:
Terrifically sweet--even if Elliott doesn't call me "Mommy," and some preschool teacher's aide wrote this:
What Mom doesn't want flowers for Mother's Day???
Well, ME for one...when "flowers for Mother's Day" means trying to rid your beige Berber carpet of potting soil and replant your own present because the gift-giver was afraid his little brother might pick up his sealed bag of animal crackers so he dumped his mini-flower pot. Twice. 
Ahhhhhhh, Happy Mother's Day!
I know you faithful readers are accustomed to me playing catch-up, so here goes! We had a play date with some friends and six kids. Why not up the ante and try to get a shot of all of them? (Note: level of interest and cooperation increases with age.)
Surprise, surprise. Natalie's yelling for Elliott to stop before he runs over the play set, and Elliott, with his laser-focus, concentrates on his important Man Task.

Someday Patrick's hairstyle might interfere with Lady Luck, but not now, boy! She is diggin' the horns, dontchya think?!?

This is related to nothing, but Meredith was looking so darn cute, I wanted to include.

What's better than backyard gymnastics? Why, a photographer trying to catch your every move! Here are Katie and Christina in perfect sync:

Back at home, the boys are big time into baths right now. I don't usually bathe them every night, but if I make a move toward the stairs, I hear a little hopeful voice say, "bath???" After a recent joint splash party, the boys dried off in their dog towels and howled for the camera. It was adorable!
Outside, it's either been beautiful, perfect spring days, or nonstop, unrelenting rainstorms. During an episode of the former, I thought I'd capture our lilac in all its show-off glory:

If you're looking to see this in person, better hurry. If I don't pay enough attention to the boys, they repay me by plucking this pretty purple flowers off the tree. 
While I was in macro mode, I got some keepers of the doggies. Here's Riley and her full-time job of fetch.

This is Tragus, saying, "C'mon. Let's not run or jump or act like silly puppies. Why don't we just settle in with a nice rawhide?"

Guess what Riley thinks about that idea.

This is how Tragus likes to exercise:

While Patrick napped, Elliott and I played a game. He was surprised every time he couldn't beat me to the other side of the play set.

I like to think I've taught my kids at least one useful lesson, and that is: Make silly faces.

Hey, look! Dimples!!!

Don't you worry about little Mr. Patrick! He still knows how to perform and hold my attention, too! Here we are with a nearly perfect (that's dripping with sarcasm) rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle."

He's diggin' deep here. Perfect pitch. Incredible range. Really.

[Applause sign blinks] Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!