Somehow the big guy is almost not a (giant) baby anymore. Eleven months?? Insanity!

In spite of what this here photo tells you, he's actually starting to thin out. I think. I don't know. Maybe I take that back...

In spite of what this here photo tells you, he's actually starting to thin out. I think. I don't know. Maybe I take that back...

Sleep (especially naps!) became a crazy struggle in his 10th month. I repeated, like a mantra, This child is too young to only have one nap. I will keep fighting! He is not giving up a second nap yet! In response, I'd find James doing ANYTHING but resting. For example, teeth filing, cribside--

But then guess what! The big lug finally figured out how to CRAWL and tada!--guess who is WIPED from his physical exertion for BOTH naps AND bedtime every day! Wahooooo!

In other news, Elliott turned 27.

Just kidding. He got his First Communion! AND he did a reading!

It was wild and tear-jerking to ponder what a grown-up step he was about to take... and how young he still is--

His big moment--

I have a pattern of stressing on and around these major life events, but we DID manage a pretty decent family photo to mark the occasion--

And just because a friend suggested I had some sort of special powers, I threw together some outtakes. I'm, like, 99.3% perfect, but I'm only half-magical in my coordination powers. (Seriously. How many people can turn fully around when a camera's pointing at them? And what's Elliott doing in the bottom right? I know, I know. Top right is already in a frame. And yes, you can have a copy!)

One last thing: GOOD GRIEF. Patrick turns 6 in two weeks!!! (I promise to write about him then, dang middle kid!)