Gosh, I love this kid. From the very first moments in the hospital, Pete and I marveled at this calm, happy and tiny(!) baby. (That's brand-new, not-quite-7-pound Patrick, back in 2-double-0-7.)

We don't know if he'll always be the runt of our litter...

Just look how I could almost get my hands all the way around his chest only a few short years ago!
And just looky here. Riley isn't that big. Patrick's just always been the Peanut!
Anyway, as I was saying before I interrupted myself with old photos: We don't know if he'll always be the runt of our litter, but he is a lover.
You see, Patrick has a betrothed.
He's asked all about who takes whose last name, and how old do you really have to be to get married, etc. Normal Kindergarten questions most every kid asks.
If you're a loyal reader, you might remember his first love from a few years back (Click it. It's worth a re-read: http://www.scullyspace.blogspot.com/2010/12/man-in-love.html) Of course, SHE's long gone. And while he has asked a certain number of young ladies for their hands in marriage since then, he's extra-stuck on his current love.
I can see your skepticism through my magical computer screen, so here's proof:
He asks frequently when she might be coming over. (No dice yet, but I'll keep you posted.)
Wedding plans aside, it hasn't always been butterflies and hearts with this one.

Ugh again.
It was just a month or two after that when Pete had to take Patrick to the ER in the middle of the night. His croupy cough had gotten so bad, he could barely breathe, and we were past the point of a steamy shower or brisk fresh air. I will never forget hearing his footsteps when he should've been in bed. He was jogging in tiny circles, frantic, because he couldn't breathe enough to cry or call for help.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. I paced the kitchen floor, anxious for Pete's updates.
And of course, everything turned out fine.
Until just a short month later, when I had to make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist--a horrible specialty, in my opinion. Patrick's wonderful preschool teachers helped us understand that he didn't just get the shakes for a piece of chocolate; there was something more going on, and it was affecting his fine motor skills.
Patrick was diagnosed with a Benign Essential Tremor, a condition he'll have the rest of his life. At that point, he scored so poorly on basic fine motor tests, he qualified for occupational therapy (both within school and private sessions).
It seems WILD to me that this photo here was from this past fall 2012. See his caveman grip? That was his norm WAY past the point of normal kid development.

But, my goodness, what an amazing year of growth this child has had! The OT intervention successfully "rewired his brain," and Patrick is doing as well or better than his peer group in all kinds of areas! He just rocks.
He's still just skin, bones and smiles, but he's also just about ready to earn his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do! (Hot damn! More photos and info on that soon!)
We're mighty proud of this happy, dimple-face kid, and think you should probably join us in wishing him Thee Best Sixth Birthday Ever!
(He's camouflaged pretty well today, but try to keep an eye out for him, 'kay?)