We have three bipeds!
First, let's back up a few days.
As you know, school started. When we all survived and even emerged unscathed, we went out to celebrate--
And so far, so good! Elliott's only complaint is that real homework has yet to begin. Patrick's one gripe is that I give him too much food for lunch and snack time.
(Anyone else hear the voice over from A Christmas Story saying, "Every family has a kid who won't eat."?)
Anyway. Two big boys in school all the live-long day gives James and me plenty o' play time.
One game he loves is Fakeout. It can be with food or toys, but it goes like this: With sincerity, he extends his arm..., and then rips the offering right back. Or shovels into his mouth, if there's any chance it might be edible. That's it! It always looks so sweet to start, though...

But the child can't play Indian giver ALL day, so he's been working on... (drumroll, please): STANDING!

Ohhhhhhhhh yeah.
He'll be 15 months in a couple of days, and that's been the magical walking age for our boys... so hang right on the edge of your seat...! Maybe, just maybe, a big skill announcement will be coming soon!