Under extreme pressure from one Stacie Orahood (and my own guilt from not sharing photos of the boys often enough), SCULLY SPACE is here. (And, yes, that's a nod to one of my favorite shows of all times. I HATE the writers' strike!!!)
So, an introduction to start. Our family = Pete, Whitney, Elliott & Patrick. (See our last family portrait from Patrick's baptism in August.)
...And some other shots that are probably going to be more the norm here (goofy and/or drool-inspired).
See, it's not hard...be sure to keep it up! Elliott never seems to cease to entertain...and Patrick just keeps getting cuter! I love it! Hopefully see everyone soon...maybe we need to plan a Cbus convention??
Treasured Ones, The Grand-Godparents are delighted with the blog! Hugs and kisses and tons of love to all! Keep the photos coming.
Auntie Sujhu and Unkie Petu XOXO
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