(Bet you won't stop reading now!)
Last night/this morning, I woke to what I swore was a gunshot at 3:30 a.m. Pete jumped out of bed to look and, after finding my glasses, I joined him at our bedroom windows. We found a presumably drunk driver being berated by his passenger in a string of words you can't repeat around toddlers.
Why? Just because he was speeding down a residential street and had a teeny-tiny, full-impact, head-on collision with our neighbor's car (parked in front of our house)? It couldn't have been the driver's fault!
The duo resumed rational behavior and fled.
So, off they tried to speed, leaking every possible automobile fluid and pushing their front bumper like a snow plow on a crisp spring morn'.
Pete joined several other neighbors outside, where he snapped these photos (note our mailbox in multiple pieces) and thanked God they didn't continue through to our house. Or our van, which was parked just a couple of feet from the flying mailbox. (We don't think our insurance company would've remained friends with us if we had to make two car accident calls in one week...)
We couldn't read the license plate, so do let us know if you spot an older dark red vehicle with a lower-than-usual front bumper.
If you're curious, the poor parked car (that of the daughter's boyfriend) had to be taken away on wrecker.

As a close and loving relative of this adorable family, I am awfully glad the photos of that car didn't contain any of the people I love!
I'm just glad our car wasn't still in the drive way! Good thing we left when we did! =)
Oh goodness!! How did we sleep through that!!
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