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Remember when no one had to beg and scream and plead and cry for me to update the blog?
Remember when you could just be like, "heeeeeee-eeeeey, there's a new post of those adorable Scully boys!"
Remember when Patrick was still ZERO? (Yeah, he's TOTALLY one now. May 16. Mama was at an editors' conference -- or "on a work trip," as Elliott says -- and missed the whole thing. Luckily, Big Brother Elliott, Dada, Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Chris, Uncle Mike and Steph were on hand to fill in.)
Remember when all you needed was multi-colored icing on a white chair to make you a happy little demon?
Remember when the icing tasted better the bigger mess you made? (Or does it still?)
Remember when you could celebrate ANYONE's birthday with this much unbridled enthusiasm?
Remember when reflecting on The Whole Year That Was went like this: "ate, slept, pooped"? (Or does it still?)
Remember when Elliott smiled for this cute photo I wanted to put on the blog?
Remember when you were young enough to have the camera get closer and closer and you only looked CUTER?
Remember when the simple joy of a tomato was all you needed at the end of a long day?
Remember when you were this happy to show you had more teeth than fingers?
As I reflect on Mama's Day '08, let me remember, celebrate and honor all the Mamas I know. Let me remember that Mamas come in many forms (full-blown moms, moms-in-law, step-moms, Godmoms, grandmoms and friends with whom I can share a knowing mom nod). Let me remember Patrick's baby bear hugs and how, after the briefest time apart, he'll frantically crawl toward me, saying "ma" with every foward motion. Let me remember that Elliott sometimes forgets what a big boy he is, still giving hugs "with arms and legs," and how he delights in the two of us singing and dancing to Target's old wedding registry commercial ("I loooove to be with you! I love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya -- I DO!"). Let me not remember certain events of yesterday, including when neither boy could/would take an afternoon nap, at least partially because tornado sirens alerted us to swirling wind far to our north for about an hour (no damage reported in Ohio). Or when laundering Elliott's pee-pee bedding caused the washing machine to overflow/leak yesterday, causing a sticky lint flood on the laundry room floor. Nope. Let's just remember the good stuff! Happy Mama's Day to all the mamas in our lives!!! I hope you celebrated the holiday you earned.
I don't know if you have child labor laws where you are, but here in the suburbs of Columbus, we work the land just to survive. Here's Elliott, suffering through another 75-degree, sunny and breezy afternoon. (Note: the bubble mower's bubble container is indeed missing since this poor child's mother accidentally threw it away last summer. Depolorable working conditions, I know.)
Meanwhile, Mr. I-Ain't-Workin'-'Til-My-First-Birthday here continues to flaunt his freedom.
The girls have their own daily backyard struggles -- mostly just "Are you going to throw that tennis ball, or are we going to sit around here, staring into the sun all day??" 
Apologies to my mom ("No-Haircuts Nonna," as I call her in this blog post), but Patrick complained that his bangs were making his nose itch.
Baby bangs aren't meant to be that long. Mini-mullets aren't all that cute. Hair flaps aren't meant to keep ears warm through the spring and summer months. (I could go on and on, but you know where this is going...)
Hurray! Patrick picked the fire truck seat, didn't care to watch Elmo but did delight in dumping the nice hair-cutting lady's basket of tiny toys several times. He cried only when the clippers came out, but then again, he may have been mourning the loss of his hair/ear flaps.