Remember when no one had to beg and scream and plead and cry for me to update the blog?

Remember when you could just be like, "heeeeeee-eeeeey, there's a new post of those adorable Scully boys!"

Remember when Patrick was still ZERO? (Yeah, he's TOTALLY one now. May 16. Mama was at an editors' conference -- or "on a work trip," as Elliott says -- and missed the whole thing. Luckily, Big Brother Elliott, Dada, Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Chris, Uncle Mike and Steph were on hand to fill in.)

Remember when all you needed was multi-colored icing on a white chair to make you a happy little demon?

Remember when the icing tasted better the bigger mess you made? (Or does it still?)

Remember when you could celebrate ANYONE's birthday with this much unbridled enthusiasm?
So cute!! Glad you FINALLY updated your blog. Geesh, you would think someone hasn't reminded you every day to do so!
Good work Mom! Great post! Cute kids!
Next time don't wait as long to update okay?
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