Meanwhile, Mr. Not-Quite-25th-Percentile Patrick only seems to eat food every other day, so he entertained Meredith at the book bins. (Since I made the percentile comment, you should know that Elliott is nearly off-the-charts big -- 90th percentile in weight and 95th in height. The doctor predicts he'll be taller than his mother by age 6.)

Sometimes it's just so difficult to pull big kids out from their super-shy shell... Here Elliott and girlfriend Natalie perform for their adoring fans (namely the lady with the camera).

Don't you have to wonder what's going on in their heads sometimes? (Silent commentary by Mama: "Hello, Mr. Fish. You seem like a very nice fish, who was just swimming with your fish pals, but I regret to inform you you've been selected as today's snack.")
Elliott takes his work in the sandbox table very, very seriously. In fact, as I stood off the deck and watched him through the slats, I don't think if he even knew I was there.
Meanwhile, the tubs of rain water (you can see the green one in the foreground) continue to be the greatest attraction on the deck. Pants-less Elliott here just backed up and fell into the tub of water, so he elected to remove his shorts. Patrick, on the other hand, gingerly scaled the tub sides and lowered himself into the summer bath. He's so soaking wet in this photo, you can actually see Elmo on the back of his diaper through his onesie!
The boys stayed with Jamie and Maggie, two friends and teachers to whom we are indebted, while Mama and Dad went to Washington, D.C. early this month. We were gone nearly a full week so Pete could attend the National Education Association conference. I was a solo tourist, taking in area attractions by myself, but we had fun together in his off-time.
I was sure Patrick would take his first steps while we were away, but he's still holding out for some unknown carrot. Elliott told one of his babysitters that I sometimes ask the dogs to watch Patrick so he and I can go to the park by ourselves... Luckily, she didn't feel as comfortable with that arrangement as I apparently do, so she declined.
Meanwhile, I got some awesome news: a recycling article I wrote will likely be published in a book of essays called How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth. Fifty percent of the proceeds will go toward rebuilding New Orleans, but the collection won't be out until next year. I'll definitely keep you posted on my bookstore availability!
Congrats on being published!
Thanks for the update on your summer! Elliott cracks me up with the sandbox stories!
Hope you had a nice trip away from the kids in DC!!!
Wow, love the attempt by Elliott for some alone time at the park! Adorable!
To respond to your comment: Aaron slept through the fireworks but was definitely startled when they began. In fact, I was feeling guilty and like a bad mom subjecting him to the noise. I started to head inside with him but he fell back to sleep easily. Crazy mom that I am, I kept his ears snuggly closed, just for my own peace of mind!
I wish I would have known you were in DC. I would have loved to have been your tour guide...next time! Glad to hear all is well. Can't complain either, though I owe you an email update! Soon...take care! Love, Amy
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, no wonder it took me so long to check out these photos, each one tugging at my heart. I laughed out loud at Elliott's rationale for leaving his brother (that same ability may not be so fun at a later age!). Can't wait to see these two little guys and their multi-talented and nearly-famous parents. Love and hugs, Nonna
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