Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Day at the Pool

Nothing pumps Elliott up post-nap like this announcement: "It's Pool Day!"

Patrick really gets into it, too! (...Even though he likes to frequently get out, warm up in his towel and then get right back in again...)

What can I say? This kid loves water!

Look out. Power struggle at the sprinkler.

It was soooo worth knocking that little kid out of my way...

Meanwhile, Patrick displayed his frustrations on the other end of the sharky pool.

But they're just lovey, dovey brothers in the end!


orahoods said...

Once again, great pictures! You're on fire with this blogging business!! I need to pick it up a little!!

Jill said...

Very cute! I love the power struggle and Patrick's reaction after he lost... so funny.