Dad doesn't have to shave, and the boys can enjoy taking turns making Indian noises.

There's plenty of time to read the comics. (If only that dog could find another path to the front room...) You may have also noticed Patrick's little hand with a ripped corner of "Peanuts" in the foreground. Trouble brewing??

Nah. It just happens to be time for some good ole fashioned Brother Wrestling!

While Elliott gets used to his school schedule, Patrick has time to explore his future options. Here, with no encouragement, he explores sanitation and waste management.

Lazy Livin' leaves plenty of time for sports enthusiasts, including these two, following the "look tough!" photographer direction. (Obviously. What'd you think? Elliott was pooping??)

The boys thank Aunt Chris and Uncle Milton for the matching hats, but Elliott's still struggling with what facial expressions are best for tough sportsmen like those pictured here.

The aftermath of Ike (75 mph winds that left more than a million Ohioans without power for days and closed schools for most of the week) left us with one alternative: indoor play. Here the Couch Cushion Playground by Mom.

Climbing, crawling through tunnels, ...

...sophisticated (if not all that slippery) slides...

...provide hours of fun... er, um... well... In the boys' defense, Mom did think she had crafted a genius play area, one that allowed her to steal a few minutes to do work e-mails from the kitchen. Alas, someone -- clearly NOT Elliott -- had other plans for the playground.

Oh, just in case you thought you missed a growth spurt from Patrick, don't worry. He's still one-third (literally!) the size of Riley!

Still, he continues to dine heavily on high-fat, high-calorie foods, like corn, watermelon and crackers. (HOW do we have one kid who can eat me under the table and one who has next-to-no interest in food??)
Monday morning: The Bus Adventure Begins! (We lost almost a full week of school with Ike's power outages, but I JUST got off the phone with Elliott's new bus driver!!! Keep your eyes peeled for Bus 178, people!)
I love and miss couch/blanket forts!!! We loved making those when we were kids!!! Looks like a lot of fun for the boys!!!
You are right about the poop/mean face, you'll have to work on that one!
Tell Elliott the tough face worked for me;) You've mastered the mother of two boys role! Hope to see you guys again soon!
I loved the shots of Dad and his little men...actually, I loved ALL of 'em and I hope you appreciate the courage it took to look. Going on three months since my last hugs, but time marches on!
Still waiting for bus 178...
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