First things first: Thanksgiving! (Yes, I've been that delinquent!)

We hosted a lovely affair for just a couple of sets of parents. Here: me, my mom and the mashed potatoes.

After several attempts and two (yes, two) cameras, THIS is our best family portrait:

Funny, Patrick had no trouble turnin' up the cheese a little while later... If only we could arrange for cardboard box rides everytime we try to take happy photos...

Whatever the reason, Elliott's been acting more and more like a big brother, trying to teach, correct, play with and sometimes even show a bit o' brotherly love to Patrick.

We had one ridiculous ice storm, but other than that, it's been pretty mild weather-wise. Still, snow is snow, and shoveling is real, serious man work. Case in point --

Real men also rule the kitchen. The Diego chair is often snug against the cabinets so Dad's helper can totally speed up his every kitchen duty.

No, he can't say "Patrick." And "Patty" comes out more like "Popeye." (Actually, it's exactly like "Popeye"...) BUT feed this boy a line like "ho, ho, ho," and he's all over it!

It all meant we were ready to go visit the Big Man! You know, the one who accompanies Elliott in his annual hilarious holiday photo. Here Elliott relaxes and settles in for a "have-you-been-a-good-boy?" chat.

It wasn't all a loss. There were cookies. (And, although he couldn't see the top of the table, Patrick helped himself to several.)

Taking adorable photos of two boys isn't hard enough, so I tried for three. Here's Elliott with John and Thomas, two friends he sees as often as Santa. (These three were all born within two weeks of each other, so we always plop them down for their annual reunion photo shoot.)

That's two outta three, but you can thank Santa for screwin' it all up.
A fave of the threesome--
On Christmas Eve, we played host again, and this time, I got to meet my new sister-in-law-to-be. Here's Steph helping Patrick with those pesky childproof caps.
I know other photos exist, but I sure didn't take any past my youngest, belly-up at the bar. We had a wonderful time with food, family and friends, and even remembered to read Twas the Night Before Christmas!
A few short hours later, the boys had a fantastic morning, despite the fact that Elliott had to immediately change out of the adorable Christmas-morning PJs I bought just for the occasion. I had fond memories of my dad's scavenger hunts, but I definitely learned that three is WAY too young to care about hints and hidden gifts. At any rate, it (maybe) explains why the boys' big gift (a kitchen!) is wrapped up in the basement bathroom... Here's Elliott, delighted to discover the play kitchen, while Patrick tries to shut the door for a little privacy.

Play kitchens need LOTS of play food, and even though it was all brand new to him, Elliott was able to control exactly how much play food each person could play eat.

Rather than getting yelled at for incorrect play kitchen setup, Patrick opted to entertain Uncle Mike instead.

The whole thing's in several pieces now, but Dad and Uncle Mike helped Elliott with his new Matchbox launch-your-cars-through-a-cardboard-ring-of-fire toy. Coooooooool!
Really, the whole experience was wonderful and overwhelming. We actually have Elliott on video saying he doesn't really want to open any more presents ... about four minutes into the day. (Gratitude, right?) Here's Happy Patrick and Curious George, but you may also notice the Taco Bell camera man back there. (Sorry, ladies. Grandpa's a married man.)

The girls made quick work of their gifts...

... and promptly curled up to try to shut out all this holly-jolly mumbo-jumbo that prevents them from sleeping 22 hours per day.

... and promptly curled up to try to shut out all this holly-jolly mumbo-jumbo that prevents them from sleeping 22 hours per day.
Hope you had a great one! Happy 2009!
P.S. This blog is more about Elliott and Patrick than their parents, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my husband's abso-friggin-lutely incredible Christmas morning surprise. I opened an envelope that contained a few Euros, an e-mail string between Pete and Colette (my bestest friend who happens to be married, very pregnant and living all the way in Ireland) and a printed itinerary for an April trip to the Emerald Isle!!! Nonna, PopPop, Grammy and Grandpa are splitting up the babysitting duties, and Pete and I will make the trek across the ocean to explore Ireland!!! The tears came quickly and easily... We are so excited!!!
Wow, thanks for the update! I feel like I was there for it all:) I'm so jealous about your trip to see Colette! Give her and Ronan lots of hugs for us when you go!
Your boys are adorable. Happy to see you are doing well! Enjoy Ireland!
Awwww, such a nice recap of the holidays, and so many great shots. My personal favorite (although it's tough to choose) is the two men shoveling. But aren't you concerned about child labor laws?
Don't work too hard in '09 you guys. Remember, they grow up fast!
Love ALL of you so much!!! Nonna
This is so hilarious and awesome! The caption for Elliot and Santa along with the picture has cracked me up both times I read this entry. Your blog is so freaking great I love it!
Ugg I know you hate it when I forget the second T-- it was a typing issue! I swear I know how to spell his name!!
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