(I apologize that, yes, this is the best photo we could get this year. Remember how well it worked last year?? Here are a couple outtakes--just in case you thought I was withholding the good stuff.)

He loves this hat.

Don't you worry about Sir Elliott! He made his very own hat!

Now, I know the last time I posted it looked like this...

...but you haven't missed much. We've just been hangin':

Happily, Patrick's speaking abilities have really turned a corner. (Seriously!) Here he is reciting an original haiku. (Okay, that part is a stretch. But truly! His vocabulary is growing every day!)

This photo just speaks for itself. (And it says, "Mom... WHY are you taking a picture of my macaroni and cheese?!? Are you goofy???")

Here's a trick question for you: Would I love this little face more or less if it didn't have a scab, snot and lunch on it?

Here's a great little story from the kid who likes to open his mouth when I wipe his face with a wet paper towel. (Yes. He looks wildly smart doing it.) Great kid logic led Patrick to dress for and work on this train setup:

...and then have a standoff with the dog, who figures any food that close to the floor is hers...

...all so--what? You didn't guess this??--he could put his feet in the empty Goldfish bag! Success!!

I don't know how many opportunities you get to talk to Elliott, but if you talked to him last spring, you know he BEGGED to go to the Rec Center for MONTHS following the Read Across America event there. Naturally, he was THRILLED when we FINALLY granted his request! (In other words, it was time for the annual event.)

Baby Patrick couldn't even go last year, so this was his first chance to experience the play gym, storybook characters, zoo animals, cookie-decorating, crafts and more. Can't they do this EVERY night??
Okay, one last thing: a plug to get a good camera! (I have a Nikon D40. It's a dumbed-down SLR, but I haven't regretted the purchase once!) Now, I could point out my ability to capture the toilet in its natural setting..., but instead, I'll ask you to notice the crayons mid-air as Elliott spreads them throughout the first floor!

...and then have a standoff with the dog, who figures any food that close to the floor is hers...

...all so--what? You didn't guess this??--he could put his feet in the empty Goldfish bag! Success!!

I don't know how many opportunities you get to talk to Elliott, but if you talked to him last spring, you know he BEGGED to go to the Rec Center for MONTHS following the Read Across America event there. Naturally, he was THRILLED when we FINALLY granted his request! (In other words, it was time for the annual event.)

Baby Patrick couldn't even go last year, so this was his first chance to experience the play gym, storybook characters, zoo animals, cookie-decorating, crafts and more. Can't they do this EVERY night??
(I'm pretty sure I'm observing no kind of chronological order here, but) We went to Erie around Valentine's Day so Pete and I could have a night away. Here, Piano Man Patrick works the keys AND the camera.
Poor Elliott was really trying to play, but Patrick, fed up with being reprimanded for not doing it right, just went for it.
Character studies are the best, and sometimes, the light is just right AND the kid obliges.
Yes, I recognize this is an unconventional kid portrait series, but don't you love how expressive he is??

An angel...
Okay, one last thing: a plug to get a good camera! (I have a Nikon D40. It's a dumbed-down SLR, but I haven't regretted the purchase once!) Now, I could point out my ability to capture the toilet in its natural setting..., but instead, I'll ask you to notice the crayons mid-air as Elliott spreads them throughout the first floor!
As always, I had doubts that you were lost but alas, you are back!
1st, Happy St. Patty's (or Paddy's) Day!
2nd, I love all of the new picture additions! Very cute, as expected.
3rd, the crayon in the air is reason enough to buy that camera. SO COOL!
I'll keep the snotty comments about the length since your last picture posts to myself... =) BUT...
1. YES on Patrick's language! So fun!
2. Please do not make me plan that event more than once a year- it's like planning a wedding!!! But with that- I'm glad they enjoyed it and that Mr. E was ASKing for it!
They're too fun!
- One happy-to-get-the-kid-fix babysitter
Great update with great pics...of course, you did have 2 months to work on it;) Patrick looks like he's getting so big! And I do love how Elliott has become so expressive...such a big kid. Btw, the crayon pic is super cool...reminds me of those pool pics--the original motivation for you buying that camera? I'd like to take a class for my camera...it's not dumbed down enough for me!
Love the photos, especially crayons in the air;) I was thinking you guys were on your Ireland trip (when is that) and that explained your MIA-ness. Is Patrick's bday really 3/17??? xoxo
We leave for Ireland 4/3 and are sooooo excited! Get ready for a very long, very green post of non-kid-pics!!! Patrick celebrates the big 0-2 May 16! Hard to believe...!
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