We got home Friday night, to one elated Elliott and one miffed and slightly standoffish Patrick. (All was forgiven by the following morning!) ...Especially when we went to an Easter egg hunt and play date with friends at a park!

Patrick, completely unaware that I had to hold him and lift him up these ridiculous climbing contraptions, felt a great sense of accomplishment at the playground.

I don't know that anyone actually cared what was on the TV, but how cute is this double date?? Left-to-right, that's Elliott and Patrick, and their girlfriends Meredith and Natalie.

Thanks to some forethought from Grammy, we had Easter baskets for the boys Sunday morning. I hid them about six feet from each other. Elliott found Patrick's and then promptly gave up, deciding the Easter Bunny forgot him. Ah, the delight when he actually found chocolate left for him!!!
Here's Patrick, tackling a chocolate Rice Krispie treat that rivaled the size of his head.
Wow, are you feeling okay? Two posts in one afternoon let alone in the same week! Such a treat!
I'm glad you got back in time for the Easter celebrations! The kid table is very cute!
Happy belated Easter to you all!
Fun update! Two in one day...does this mean we'll have to wait 3 months for the next one? j/k! Did you make the connection between Aaron's picture on the invite and Elliott's PJ's Easter morning? Great minds...
Just wanted you to know I actually check out the site even without prompting--this time, a review of my two Favorite Under 3 Feet people. My little loves whose hugs I really miss!
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