On June 22, the big guy turned four! To celebrate, I cropped his pitchfork out of this photo:
Anyway, Elliott cheered up and was all about these noisemakers! Patrick, on the other hand, never really got it. In fact, this display (below) made sense when I later found Patrick's chicken tender inside his noisemaker. (Well, if it isn't a chicken holder, what could it be??)
These things are like megaphones for toddlers. Superneato invention. But aren't those crayon candles cute??

I think I have nearly the same shot of Patrick with his two candles. Good to know we've got TWO pyromaniacs...

We picked up a Cars-themed ice cream cake, and I think I could see Elliott's why-didn't-I-think-of-that? moment. He loved it!

Of course, when you sink to this level...

...you have to move onto presents semi-nude.
Luckily a shirt was in the pile! Elliott's reaction to everything (save the clothes) was ELATION! It was really cute.

Still, I've got to pat myself on the back a little bit because he paused to look through every single book he received! Raising a reader! Yay!!

I don't think this photo even looks like him, but he had a couple of things to open post- (long and sweaty, apparently) road trip. Nothing lights up this kid's face quite like Madagascar!!! Hooray for sequels! And "I Like to Move It, Move It" remixes you could listen to, oh, I don't know... 30 or 40 times in a row!
Happy Birthday big guy!!! Can't believe you're 4!!!! WOW!
After growing up with all girls... you help take the nerves out of finding out I'm having a boy!!! They are CLEARLY way more fun! Keep 'em coming... Jamie
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