The boys are THRILLED!
Now, on to my real reason for posting: my man Elliott and his mind-boggling mind.
As he busily preps for Christmas, his brain is all abuzz with questions. I'm sure all kids go through this phase, but good grief, this kid likes to break down the logistics!
For example, he's heard a lot about how Santa (and his helpers and/or elves) are always watching, so he should be on his best behavior if he wants some loot under the tree. In general, he accepts this idea, but it led to this recent exchange with his dad:
Elliott: Can Santa see us when he blinks?
Pete: I don't know.
[A few moments pass.]
E: I wish you were Santa.
P: Why?
E: So you could tell me if you could see me when you're blinking.
Seriously. WHAT is this kid trying to get away with?!??
Now, you may have heard that our little would-be convict made the local paper--but not yet for any criminal activity. Along with a handful of top-notch kids, Elliott helped explain the "Seven Habits of Happy Kids" to parents, teachers and school board members in two public presentations. He talked into a microphone, explaining his assigned habit and how it relates to his plan as a leader at school each day. Then he danced and he sang:
(There he is, second from the left.)
There's a fairly elaborate song with motions for each of the seven habits. He will gladly and quite seriously perform for anyone who asks politely.
Recently his principal (who doubles as the mother of one of our babysitters) was chatting with Elliott in the hallway at school. Her daughter had just watched the boys, so Mrs. Groff was asking how she did and if Elliott had sung the Seven Habits song. (Duh, Mrs. Groff. Is that a REAL question?) He replied that, in fact, he had, but regretfully, he didn't have enough time to teach her the motions.
Mrs. Groff told him not to worry; she could bring her daughter up to speed at home.
The two finished their conversation, but before they parted ways, Elliott turned.
"Uh, Mrs. Groff," he said in his patented dead-pan delivery. "I'm serious about those motions."
It's not ALL fun and games, people!
Happy Christmas from one free-form artist and one very, very serious master artiste!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, the Santa blinking conversation had me laughing out loud. That boy is something special and I'll be so excited to know him when he's older and making his way through the world!
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