So, as we look to forget most of February (a.k.a. the month of flu, strep and ear infections), there are just a few things I'd like to remember.
First up: The boy who will never turn nine months
(Ever heard of February 31st? Yeah. Exactly.)
I took Baby Beluga here to a new doc (love her!) in a new practice (hooray for the end of doctor shopping!), and, well... Why not make a guesstimate based on THESE rolls--
You're lookin' at 25lb., 1oz. of solid, off-the-charts James! Again, politely, I was told, "Let's call it '99th percentile' for both height and weight."
:) My little muffin.
His hair has the cutest little curls that are surprisingly manageable and cooperative, but when they get all feisty, he channels one of two inspirations:
Bruce Hornsby in 1987 (This look's usually post-bath and I don't have photographic evidence.)--
Or Pebbles--
...But usually I take the bone out 'cause it's too girly. See?
So, what else? Sleep is still an elusive character, try as I might to keep it regular and reliable. Food (basically everything) has become a favorite! (You never woulda guessed, woojya?) I mean, we introduced the whole plain Cheerios thing, but he's all, "What's that? Chicken? Cheese?? Yeah, yeah. Hook me up with some of THAT!" Eating what we're eating is James' new pastime.
Oh, and there's THIS--

SO big! To answer your question, NO, he's not crawling, scooting, cruising or moving in any way. (Remember how big he is??!) BUT he can now hold his weight without holding on to me for dear life and he's MIGHTY proud--

Aaaaaand, if I'm not mistaken, there are two other small boys who sometimes occupy this house... Yes! This one looks familiar! It's Patrick, who recently made his first entry into the annual Science Fair. Here he is, ready to head to school, with his Milk Mystery--

Elliott decided on an Elephant Education--

The whole fam ventured out for the wonderful evening, recognizing these promising science leaders, but we made yet another discovery whilst there: James cries at the sound of applause (at least lots of it when it's all around him and close to his bedtime). So! Again, mom and James ducked out early, and you, loyal Scully Space readers, are left with THIS for Science Fair photos--

James is standing? Holy cow! Where has time gone!?!?
I love how proud he is for his standing trick!
Also, did you ask the other boys to stand like that with their projects or do they do that hand thing on their own?
Ah, me, how it took me back to see Baby James gazing at the world outside (looking adorable, as usual, especially with those curls, reminiscent of his mama's). How easy to recall those days with Elliott and Patrick and how sad I am not to have more time to spend with the newest Scully. But hope springs eternal--for more visits, a healthy Scully household, and warm, sunny days!
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