Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Birthday Season 2017: Matthew is 0!

You guys. Stuff has happened. And before more stuff happens, I'm going to blog about Birthday Season 2017. ('Twas a doozy!)

Here goes. With next to no Space, we made another Scully. (See what I did there?)

All indications were that I'd be pregnant forever...

...but heck if that kid didn't come out!

I could write a whole, long post about how we went into Dublin Methodist Hospital for a scheduled induction the morning of May 8 and how the kindly nurses had no earthly idea who I was or why we'd be there with overnight bags and hopes of no longer being pregnant, but that sounds boring. Suffice it to say Pete and I must've been convincing because LOOK what I did just a few short hours later--

(I may look sweet and motherly here, but this photo is actually badassery. I delivered drug-free! Just because!)

Pedro, ever the loyal Worthington rep, got to relish in my hard work.

Look at that hair! And all those bracelets and anklets! Mr. Matthew Henry, the baby my doc said I had less than a one percent chance of conceiving, was born at 4:08 p.m., weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces and measuring 22.5 inches long.

He was unimpressed by the dinky hospital bed and dumb duck blanket.

Grammy, who lovingly raised the boys in our two-day absence, brought the big boys in to meet their new brother that evening.

Precious photo ops abounded...

...but YOU KNOW this shot is my all-time favorite.

While we got rid of most every single thing helpful in raising babies, we kept this! All four boys have come home from the hospital in this very outfit!

We couldn't wait to get out of the hospital (because we thought we'd sleep better at home--hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!), but this parting shot captures our sprawling accommodations.

But first! The obligatory look-how-ridiculously-small-you-are-in-your-carseat shot--

Here's where I'll tell you we settled into a peaceful routine at home, but you know that's a big ol' lie. Sleep deprivation is hard core. Getting breastfeeding established (even when you've done it before) can be tortuous. Realizing (over the course of many days and weeks) that we actually have four kids...going in four different directions...at four different speeds...is nuts.

But we'll only remember the snuggles, right?

We're keeping him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please keep blogging because you crack me up!!