The other day we went for a family walk with the boys in the wagon. Elliott loved it. Patrick, probably too young for such an adventure, kept grabbing the side rails and looking for emergency exits. All it took was some instruction for Elliott ("Hold him like a big brother!") and some repositioning for Patrick (in between his brother's legs and immobile in his bear hug).
Now Elliott tries to convince Patrick: "Yay! Remember? You LOVE this thing!!!"
"It's working, Mama. He loves it! Now quick: PULL us!!!"
If you know Elliott, you know this is his obligatory smile, pained okay, Mother. Camera time is over face. Makes sense. It's just about the time Patrick decides he loves this wagon thing! (Just LOOK at those dimples!)
Okay, seriously, are there any two cuter little guys in the whole world?
How uh-DOR-able!
(Posted by someone not remotely related genetically.)
Question: does Elliott still adamantly insist on you applying sunscreen to the back of his neck before going outside? They are both TOO CUTE!
That has to be the cutest pictures I've ever seen...those dimples are pure adorableness!
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