Guess who went ahead and scheduled the five-month anniversary of his birth on his first Halloween. Go on, guess! THIS guy!
I'd like to point out that I was really pushing the sitting-on-his-own thing here. Without a photography assistant, we had quite a few of a tipsy baby--
Cooler heads prevailed, and James gave me the ole, "uh, Mom. Maybe we should try a different pose. I can't even keep the stuffed block upright."
Hey, hey!
At five months, James is a fantastic, easy-going baby about 94 percent of the time. (Roughly.)
To look at his gums, I'd SWEAR there are about eight teeth getting ready to poke through--although logic and reason tell me that's impossible! We're still exclusively breastfeeding, and he naps like a champ (a two- or three-hour job at 9 a.m. and at least one more one-hour nap). I hate that I have to wake him or keep him from his third nap in order to roll with the busy demands of four other family members, but he's almost always groggy for just a moment before giving me a winning, gummy smile and a "oh, heyyyyyy. It's yoooooou!" :)
We're having some ROUGH evenings, though, with bedtime around 7, but two or three call-backs for mom and the milk jugs... What is that???! Teething? If you're a baby whisperer, I'd love your insight!
Until then, happy five months to our fat 'n' happy pumpkin!