"It?" you say. Yes. "It" in three parts--
It happened. (Elliott edition)
Elliott forgot his homework. If only for a day, Elliott went and got all crazy kid-like, forgotting to bring his work home. THIS from someone who is normally a responsible adult, asking about the minimum requirement so he can blow it out of the water. Write three sentences? He'll write a page-and-a-half. Read for 15 minutes? He'll power through a chapter book. This kid LOVES his job of school, so if he remembers to be A KID every once in a while, I'm gonna celebrate it.
It happened. (Patrick edition)
Patrick got engaged. Yes, Lady Killer here put his heart (and dimples) on his sleeve and asked a fine young woman, aged five years, to marry him. To be fair, she hasn't answered yet. Elliott encouraged his little bro to keep asking with more and more friends as witnesses--peer pressure, you know--so I'm sure an emphatic "yes" is coming soon. We'll keep you posted. But for now, save the date, er somethin'.
It happened. (James edition)
James rolled over. Hooray! This morning, I found our giant four-month-old (shown here, requesting something else to eat) on his belly in the crib! Unfortunately, flash photography was not permitted since the move was prompted by a massive poop explosion. (SOMEthing had to motivate such physical exertion, no?)
1 comment:
Shocking news from E-World, but who's surprised about Little Don Juan? Just a little sad you had to find yet another adorable shot of the Baby Nonna Doesn't Know, though. (See? This is why I don't bother to get a name--that a severely truncated techno skill-set) Love to all (and loved the beautiful shots of your weekend getaway!)
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