The other day, James was yammerin' away, as babies tend to do:

In my sing-song-y voice, I responded. "What did you say?"
"I *said*, 'what's a guy gotta do to get a steak around here?'."
"Well," I retorted calmly, "having TEETH might help."
Then BOOM--
See 'em in there? Apparently, he'll take that t-bone now.
Again, average babies aim to pop a tooth or two out around six months, so James did it at four months. And THEN, I took him to the doctor to check his weight...
Now, we're currently doctor shopping, and I couldn't understand much of what the new nurse said. Still, I warned her James might be the biggest four-month-old ever.
"Big baby OK," she said, as she told me how they (I don't know who) called her baby daughter a sumo wrestler.
(Raise your hand if you feel better.)
At any rate, I have no clue how long he is, but James weighs an unbelievable 19 pounds, 7 ounces! It really looks to me to be off the charts, but I s'ppose we can go with the nurse's record of 99th percentile.
He CAN'T keep this growth rate up FOREVER. Right??!
So, your 4 month old weighs almost as much as my 16 month old. That's UNREAL. Will you be joining the Arnold Classic this year with your gun show? Geez la weez!
That's amazing. Good work, I guess! Keep those steaks coming! Don't want to lose a finger because you were slow on the meal delivery, mom!
He is so precious!!! Love it when the little baby teeth come poking thru! Blogging is a lot more fun than all the politicial "stuff"!
Honestly, if you're going to try to paint this little child as some hulking beast, it would really be helpful if he didn't looks absolutely ADORABLE! Normal pithy, entertaining comments weren't enough to keep my heart from sinking. How I miss my time with my boys, especially with little James. At least I know he's getting fed...
Oops--I'm 2 for 2 with typos now. Lucky I'm Just Anonymous!
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