Look who's 0.5! Little Jimmy P!

And, just in case you think I overstate his giant-ness, here's a stat for you: James is in the 98th percentile for both height and weight. He's basically larger than all six-month-old infants, everywhere, ever. He's an astonishing 22 pounds and 28.5 inches!
One more thing: That's all milk, people. The "solids" aren't really a hit yet. Here's proof (alongside his "I'm six months!" block)--
Why must you torture me, little shovel? WHY? Curse you!
We haven't explored more than baby cereal yet, but now that we're at the magic six-month mark, we'll try more mushy foods. (Photos of the patented James faces to follow shortly! 'Cause fo' real. There ain't a baby anywhere who makes better faces!!)
Now sleep--
Following the sick waves in the Scully house, we're finally in a good sleepy place! The pattern goes like this: wake between 7-8 a.m., nap at 9 a.m. (usually two hours), second nap around 1 p.m. (usually an hour) and (most days) a third nap around 4 p.m. (one hour or less), and then bedtime around 7 p.m. We're down to one wake-up, which I can TOTALLY do! (I mean, sure. Sleeping all the way through the night will be AMAZING some day, but for now, I'm pretty dang excited to NOT see my chubby cherub several times each night!)
Now, they say all babies are the same, and we should do direct comparisons whenever possible to ensure development rates are identical. So, check this--
at birth: 8 lb., 5 oz., 22 in.
at 6 mo.: 18 lb., 14 oz., 28 in.
at birth: 6 lb., 13 oz., 21 in.
at 6 mo.: 16 lb., 9 oz., 26 in.
at birth: 9 lb., 5 oz., 21 in.
at 6 mo.: 22 lb., 28.5 in.
(I SWEAR these children are related.)
In order to wish this giant a happy half, leave a comment with your well wishes and/or someone's six-month stats.
Oh, and if you want to arm wrestle, I say AN-Y TIME. I kiss my biceps daily, people.
I'll go first! (Because my mom just shared MY baby stats!) Me at six months: 17 lb., 4 oz., 28 in. WAY smaller than James.
What a beast! I love it and can't believe I haven't met him yet:(
Aaron's stats:
16lbs, 15oz (40%) and 27 3/4 in (90%): string bean...skim milk?
Emily's stats:
hmm...she's asleep and her baby book is in her room...apparently I can't get it from the blog like I did Aaron's. This third one will be lucky to included at all!
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