(Get it? No? He wanted to change "Scully" to "Schooly." Yeah, well. It was funnier in my head before I typed it out.)
Anyway, he submitted a copy of an extra-credit letter he wrote to his teacher earlier this year--
Here's the transcript:
Dear Miss Lyons,
I would like to know if we could get more homework. Or if we could do a little more during the day. And if we could have some reading challenges in there, I would be very happy. I would also like to have some math and spelling. And I want school to be twenty-four hours a day please. We could bring our sleeping bags to sleep in. And we could brush our teeth in the bathroom. Then no one will ever be tardy again.
Your student,
Need I even insert commentary here?
I'm just going to jump straight to the second bit of holy-crap-this-actually-happened evidence on that name-change application. (Yes, I'm sticking with this only mildly successful joke.)
The other day, just prior to lunch, Elliott approached his teacher.
Elliott: "I'm starving!"
Miss Lyons: "Me, too!"
Elliott [with mystery and mischief in his eyes]: "...starving for learning!"
How many times have I wished I was making this stuff up??
Anyway, bet you're just gonna give me the "Schooly" bit now, aren't ya?
As a nerd of good standing, past and present, I find my first grandchild's dedication to higher learning most admirable--doesn't mean we don't know how to have fun either! Just hope his teachers can keep up with him as he grows...
this is pure awesomeness right here! Oh Elliott--I just love him:)
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