Thursday, September 17, 2009

Funny Face

Elliott LOVES making goofy faces, and Patrick really thinks he knows what's going on and that he can do whatever his big brother does.

See? Patrick's all over this goofy face-making thing.

Totally nuts. This is his best stuff.

Then he just cracks himself up, declares victory and breaks into a smile.

Now, this series--they're hiding in their new favorite backyard spot, under the deck stairs. What??--is maybe my favorite face series. Get ready! Elliott had just shown his brother the agreed upon (a.k.a. Elliott-decided) goofy face. Then, they turn to the camera and make the same face...

...I start laughing, so Elliott turns to check his brother. Pat-trick! What are you doing??

Patrick, suddenly delighted that he must've made the funniest goofy face, starts giggling with all of his fingers in his mouth.

I'm pretty sure they're supergeniuses.

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