Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Talks with the Big Man

The boys slowed down just long enough to pull on their new sweaters and go see a dude named Santa. Patrick went first. He was (believe it or not) happy about this meeting, but I guess I wouldn't call it over-the-moon excitement or anything:

In close proximity, Elliott (who had been totally ready to make fun of an apprehensive 18-month-old) became not so sure about this "Santa"--IF that's even his real name...

We rehearsed and everything. Patrick was ready to rattle off his list of all the Disney Cars characters he'd like for Christmas. When he got right in Santa's face, though, Patrick's eyes darted around until they landed on the box of stuffed animals. (Santa was giving horses to little boys and some stuffed pink thing to little girls.)

Santa: "What would you like for Christmas, Patrick?"
Patrick: [motioning to the box of stuffed animals next to Santa] "One of those."
Done and done!

When Elliott got up there, he was either pretty dang nervous or couldn't be bothered.

Santa: "And what would you like for Christmas?"
Elliott: [no joke. Again, I wish I were making this up!] "Surprise me."
Uhhhhhhh, ohhhhh-kay... (Apparently Santa doesn't get that request very often!)

The boys rushed back up, though, when they heard Santa was autographing the horses! (That's GOTTA be worth somethin' on eBay! Am I right??)

Don't I work in a great office? In the next room was face painting! Elliott dutifully showed off his snowflakes--JUST the way he practiced for that profile mugshot!

Speaking of mugs..., Patrick leaned away while getting his cheek adorned. And no one blamed him.

One last gem from our 2010 Santa meeting. Remember the autographed horses? Here it is with Santa's signature:
Aaaaaaaaaand after Elliott fixed his. (Seriously. Could I even make this up?!?) Silly toy maker forgot to make the horses anatomically correct!

On THAT note, Merry Christmas week!


Jill said...

I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Be happy about it being innocent right now. In ten years he'll be doing it for other reasons.

orahoods said...

OH MY GOSH...that is so so funny. Wow. What can I say? You have to save that...FOREVER.

Jill said...

Do you think Elliott could draw one of those on me!? Thanks! - Sean

Anonymous said...

Too many miles away from little faces, I was a bit apprehensive. But, gathering my courage, I braved the Santa photos, only to be high-jacked by plenty of belly laughs. Elliott's comment to Santa's my personal fav; am happy to leave the s-x ed. to Mom and Dad(one of the many perks of grandparenthood!)